Party building guidance

Party building brand

A red flag Two grippers Three teams Boosting energy Positive energy Intelligent quantity Heart energy

Raise a "Red Flag" and "Red Entrepreneurs" to Guide the Way and Set the Direction

  • The General Secretary pointed out that non-public enterprises are an important force in the development of socialist market economy. Since its establishment, the company has firmly implemented the "shoulder to shoulder" mechanism of the company's Party Committee Secretary and Chairman, and the "two-way entry and cross appointment" mechanism of the leadership team. The party building work mechanism, organizational structure, and work fund guarantee have been included in the company's articles of association, and the party building has been regarded as the lifeblood of enterprise development, achieving the same frequency resonance, dual promotion and win-win situation of party and enterprise development.


Make Good Use of the "Two Grasp Hands" to Consolidate the Role of Party Organizations in Strengthening Forts

  • Establishing a "Red System"

    The company's party committee has formulated strict regulations on party building work, detailed rules for grassroots branch work, and management methods for party affairs workers, and established a responsibility system for party building work. There are 22 system documents in 5 categories, including systems, guidelines, plans, standards, etc., to ensure that party building work is organized and provides strong red institutional guarantees for the company's party building work.

  • Building a "Red Front"

    The company has established Party member demonstration work positions, upgraded Party member and employee activity centers, created Party building exhibition halls, Guangming Bookstore Entrepreneurship Coffee, Jingying Academy and other red Party building positions. It has carried out more than 60 Party member and Youth League activities annually, with 1200 party members and masses participating


Raise a "Red Flag" and "Red Entrepreneurs" to Guide the Way and Set the Direction

  • Cultivate a "grassroots leader team"
    Forge a "Party member vanguard team"
    Make good use of the "positive energy entrepreneur team"

    To achieve full coverage of party branch secretaries and administrative leaders, and explore the training path of "administrative deputy positions - party organization deputy positions - party and government main positions". For six consecutive years, we have organized all party secretaries and backbone party members to visit red education bases such as Shaoshan, the site of the First National Congress of Shanghai, Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zunyi, Yan'an, Xibaipo, and Hong'an, using the party's struggle and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit and clarify direction.
    Establish a vanguard of party members on a regular basis, achieve the presence of party members in key positions, rely on party members at critical moments, and develop, cultivate, and train party members in urgent, difficult, and dangerous work tasks, especially in major tasks of overcoming difficulties, effectively playing the role of party members as pioneers and models.
    Building a "crowdsourcing platform" and providing a series of policy measures to support entrepreneurs in building teams, expanding markets, and accepting orders, the company has established a "positive energy entrepreneur" cultivation, selection, and assessment mechanism with the basic guiding ideology of "listening to the Party, following the Party, daring to innovate, and being good at entrepreneurship".


Leading high-quality development and generating economic "energy growth"

  • Actively responding to the national call, party committee members take the lead in establishing a full industry ecosystem of intelligent energy. After the completion and operation of the Changjiang Electric Digital Intelligent Manufacturing Center, the output has doubled compared to before, and the production line personnel have been reduced by half, continuously improving production efficiency and product quality, and reducing production costs. Following the national "dual circulation" strategy, we have established branches in Beijing, Chongqing, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, and other places. Through the red culture of party building, we have consolidated people's hearts, accumulated positive energy, and formed a strong development force of unity.


Enhance domestic and international influence, promote social "positive energy"

  • Taking the technical backbone of Party members as the fulcrum, overcoming difficulties, the "C-smart new energy Internet smart cabinet" independently developed by the enterprise won the first prize of Hubei Province Science and Technology Progress Award, and was applied to Beijing Daxing International Airport, becoming a red national brand with international influence and competitiveness. Build a Wuhan Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship Enterprise Alliance led by Party building and innovative development, serve as the chairman unit of the Hubei New Silk Road International Cooperation and Exchange Promotion Association, and establish party building co construction mechanisms with numerous enterprises and institutions. We will continue to carry out party building and public welfare brand activities such as "Safe Electricity Use and Safe Walking Together", a base for underage care, and inspirational scholarships. In 2020, we urgently undertook emergency electricity protection projects for Leishenshan Hospital, Huoshen Mountain, and the Provincial Maternal and Child Optics Valley Hospital. We have donated more than 1.2 million yuan to the Hubei Charity Association and Fangcang Hospital.


Promote the growth of party members and cultivate the "intelligence" of talents

  • Explore the training path of "administrative deputy position, party organization deputy position, party and government official position", that is, "develop non party member cadres into party members, and cultivate non party member cadres into cadres"; Establish Changdian Business School, implement specialized talent training programs such as Leading, Sailing, Setting Sail, and Starting Stars, and scientifically build a talent pool; By improving the talent training mechanism, we can stimulate the role of pioneers and models, and contribute to the construction of party organizations and the operation of the company.


Improving employee benefits and unleashing management "mental energy"

  • Adhere to the principle of Party building leading industrial construction, putting people first, and providing spiritual protection for employees. Promote employee care, red themed education, and skill competitions through various activity carriers to be widely carried out; Carry out a series of blessing activities during major holidays, always placing employee care in an important position in work. Trade unions regularly carry out the "sending coolness in summer" activity, adhering to the traditional activity of sending coolness in summer and warmth in winter; Persist in carrying out labor competitions and skill competitions to stimulate the enthusiasm and innovative spirit of employees.
